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I'll share with you in 5 minutes HOW you CAN earn a FORTUNE!

FREE Online Conferences!


That's me, Rick Mathews, and this is my story of how I earn money online ... point & click!!!
That's my Porsche, motorcycle, boat, custom home, and I have lots of stuff that won't fit in the photo, all paid for from online networking, but make no mistake!
As you read my story, you will see and agree that because I do it,

After reading my story, I hope you will decide to allow me to help YOU do MUCH MORE!
Once you are on my Fortune5Minutes list, I am just an email away for YOU personally.
All I ask is that you not try to "re-invent the wheel". If you do it my way, YOU will SUCCEED!
I can walk you all the way up to earning over 2 million dollars online, if you don't QUIT!
It's a lot like running a 26 mile marathon, by the way, lots of people START!!!

Now I don't want to be too long winded with this, so allow me to "cut to the chase"!
And again, I can't emphasize enough that ANYBODY can do what I do, so here we go.

ONE, I started this with ONLY $20 out of pocket! For 20 bucks, I got this website!
I started promoting my site to others who sent me emails about online opportunities, etc.
In other words, just "fishing" really, via email, with anybody who would email with me!

TWO, when I found 3 who joined me, I would do whatever I could to help them find their 3.
Usually, they had their own prospects or warm market or email groups, that sort of thing!

THREE, when my 3 had their 3 and cycled me, I promoted my RE-ENTRY position!
I began again! Not giving my new people to my old. I figured they could work the same as me!
I knew I could never get 3 for everybody in the world all by myself! So why pretend otherwise?
I did not get stuck waiting for others to take action, because I could not be sure they ever would!
Because I sought 3 new people, I found them! So I worked with these 3 until I cycled again!
Having done this twice now, learning that I could, I did it again and again. I still do it today!

FOUR, some of these did likewise and followed me into The $20 Miracle! and WTIA!
So I was earning from F5MThe $20 Miracle!, & WealthTEAM International Association!
I started earning DAILY!!! $100, 200, 400, 800 per day and some days MORE!!!

FIVE, I did not QUIT! Instead, I kept going back to the beginning to begin again!
That may sound funny. You may wonder, why in the world would anybody QUIT?
The fact is, 98% of people are not successful, WHATEVER the field of endeavor,
for ONE and only 1 reason ... 98% of them QUIT!!! It's just that plain and simple!
The classic example is the true story of the richest gold deposits ever found in the world!
Discovered just 3 feet below where the previous prospector gave up and ... QUIT!!!

SIX, I took some of my profits and flew to Vegas! LOL! Not for what you might think, however!
Rather, I went to meet with the man most successful for over 30 years at that time, now 40 years,
in the most lucrative and perhaps most risky legitimate business on the face of the Earth!
I asked him how a guy like me, with no talent, skills, abilities, education, connections, money,
power, in other words - nothing! - could have an honest, legitimate chance, at earning a Fortune,
and he told me! So I tried to do what he said and I found in time that it worked for me,
and my nature being what it is, I immediately set up a way to share what I learned with others!
I call this GLAD Club, partly because I was so GLAD to finally have a fighting chance! LOL!

As the little pig says, "THAT'S ALL FOLKS"!!! That's about all there is to my story!
Pretty brain dead dumb, huh? I'm neither smart, nor talented. I'm not a "big dog" networker.
I found a thing, did it, stuck with it, did it again, and never, for any "reason", would I ever quit, because I would rather drop dead digging than quit 3 feet from the GOLD!
In fact, I'm digging again! RIGHT NOW! Would you like to join me?
If you do, I'm always just an email away for you and I will do my dead level best to work WITH you!

Fortune 5 Minutes is the Real Deal

Fortune 5 Minutes is the Real Deal. This program is so simple that anyone can do it, yet so powerful, that it
could literally change your financial future forever.
The faster you get in, the faster you will start making money. I highly Recommend It!
Steve Renner
Best Selling Author
Internet Marketing Expert AdPacs

How SIMPLE is it?

1. Only $25.00 gets your products and enters you into Fortune5Minutes 3 X 2 Forced Matrix!

2. Move forward with only 3 on your 1st Level and only 9 on level 2 Only 12 total!

because you receive a $25.00 Re-entry so you may go through AGAIN!

You may also receive a PAID $20.00 entry into The $20 Miracle, a PAID $99.00 entry into WTIA,    
a PAID $20.00 entry into a 3x3 referral matrix and a PAID $300.00 entry into GLAD Club!

All you do is promote YOUR Fortune5Minutes!

See How It Works above or click banners below to learn more.


The Product!  What can you get for ... ONLY $25?
A lifetime subscription to a potentially profitable email newsletter F5M NEWS!
PLUS! ...
  • Convert Almost Any Video To FLV (Flash) Website Format (AVI, WMV, MOV, MPG, FLV, VOB, ASF, and MP4 Video Formats)
  • Manually Control The Quality Settings Of Your New Video (With Video Resolution, Video Bitrate, Audio Bitrate, Video Frame Rate, & More) OR Simply Use One Of The Easy Presets
    Such As "Cable" Or "Dial-Up"! Choose From A Total Of 9 Website Player Styles (* Once You Install The Free Bonus Player Package)
  • Use A "Completion URL" To Automatically Redirect The Viewer To A Website Address After The Movie Has Ended (To An Order Page, Affiliate Link, And So On! This Is A Powerful Feature!)
  • Includes Master Resale Rights! 

Using this screen capture and flash video creation software, you can create your own brandable videos!

Let's say you have a product or service. You can use this program to make a video demonstration of it (no camera needed!) and allow your affiliates to use the video as a tool to drive traffic to your site. Or you could simply use it for your own promotions.

With this system, you can record your video (and audio) and automatically produce a flash-embedded HTML file ready to put on your web site in just one step!

Similar programs sell for as much as $300, and that's why we wanted to include this for you today. Remember, we're giving you the complete toolbox for affiliate marketing video success!

You also receive these 5 Profitable Reports!


Is that fair enough for a ONE TIME $25?
If not ... in ADDITION to ALL the above ...
I'll add a
VALUABLE new MONEY MAKING download each month! 
Others SELL these online & earn BIG MONEY!  Fortune5Minutes GIVES them to you!

PLUS ... Download of the Year!
Edmund Loh's never released before
*Full Master Resell Rights to 8 Hot New Products*

Download these HOT products! Set up a lead capture page, and sell them!


Greetings from John Kielec!
A Fortune5Minutes Opportunity Team Leader!

Leading Others To Earn Their Fortunes On The Internet From Home!

I have been involved with many different types of Network Marketing opportunities. When I  examined Fortune5Minutes, I was amazed with the unique and powerful multiple online incomes program and quickly realized what an average marketer can earn without spending a lot of money! This is by far the best 'Wealth System' ever! With this system, anyone can make money from home, using the Internet!
It is not a get rich quick scheme, but with effort, anybody can achieve success!

I have worked with Rick for a few years now.
I can honestly say that Rick Mathews is one the most professional business associates I have ever done business with!
I would characterize Rick as fair, patient, and Forward Thinking.
I know this from experience when we had trouble with our server and lost his database! Rick never lost his cool and we were able to turn a bad situation into a workable one for all.
Steve Swetman
LGT Marketing, New York
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